
Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Korenbeurs
Kerkstraat 13
4921 BA Made

Contact information

Tel: +31 (0)162 - 682 150
Email: [email protected]

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Hotel location


Parking and possibility of secure uncovered parking (for a fee).

Frequently asked questions about Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Korenbeurs

Check-in at Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Korenbeurs opens at 3:00 pm (15:00) local time. You can find more information on this page. Want to check in early? Select the extra option Early Check-In during your reservation. 

The price for an overnight stay at Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Korenbeurs varies by room type, date of arrival, and length of stay. The current rates can be found on the room page. For the best price, book your overnight stay on Fletcher.nl/en or through https://www.korenbeurs.nl for the lowest price guarantee. Book without any booking costs and get an extra discount with our Fletcher Friend program!

Various packages are available at Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Korenbeurs. You are booking an overnight stay including breakfast and other extras depending on the package you choose. Opt for a Last Minute, Wonderful Getaway, or Bike and Hike package. All packages for Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Korenbeurs, can be found on the package page.

Photos of Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Korenbeurs and the surroundings can be found under Photos.

No, free parking is not available at Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Korenbeurs. You can find more information about the parking fees on this page.

Yes. At Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Korenbeurs you can rent a bike against additional payment. You can find the current prices at www.fletcher.nl/en/rental.

Check-out time is 11:00 AM. Want to check out later? Then choose the extra option "Lazy Day" when booking your stay!

No. Smoking is not allowed at Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Korenbeurs. 

At Fletcher Hotels you can pay via iDeal, PayPal, credit card (Visa & Eurocard/Mastercard), or directly at the hotel. If you pay by credit card, PayPal, or iDeal, the amount is directly debited from your account.

You can contact Fletcher Hotel-Restaurant De Korenbeurs during working hours by phone or by sending an email. You can find the contact details on the contact page. 

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